Vermont Department of Public Service [PART]
Mailing 112 State Street, 3rd Floor Montpelier, VT 05620
James Porter, Esq., Vermont Department of Public Service [REP]
Mailing 112 State Street Montpelier, VT 05620
Work: (802) 828-4003
Primary Email: james.porter@vermont.gov
Henry Mauck, [REP]
Mailing 112 State Street Montpelier, VT 05620
Work: (802) 461-8379
Primary Email: henry.mauck@vermont.gov
Walter (TJ) Poor, Vermont Department of Public Service [REP]
Physical 112 State Street Montpelier, VT 05620
Work: (802) 828-0544
Primary Email: tj.poor@vermont.gov
Matthew Bakerpoole, Vermont Department of Public Service [REP]
Mailing 112 State Street Montpelier, VT 05602
Work: (802) 505-0538
Primary Email: matthew.bakerpoole@vermont.gov
Porter, Pike [PART]
Physical 544 S Prospect St Burlington, VT 05401
Home: (802) 865-8090
Primary Email: pikeporter@gmail.com
Edling, Laura [PART]
Mailing 81 Carrigan Drive Burlington, VT
Work: (802) 363-1007
Primary Email: laura.edling@uvm.edu
Vermonters for a Clean Environment [PART]
Mailing 789 Baker Brook Road Danby, VT 05739
Work: (802) 446-2094
Annette Smith, Vermonters for a Clean Environment, Inc. [REP]
Mailing 789 Baker Road Danby, VT 05739
Work: (802) 446-2094
Primary Email: vce@vermontel.net
Town of Stowe Electric Department [PART]
Mailing P.O. Box 190, 435 Moscow Road Stowe, VT 05672
Work: (802) 253-7215
Michael Lazorchak, Town of Stowe Electric Department [REP]
Mailing PO Box 190 Stowe, VT 05672
Work: (802) 253-7215
Primary Email: mlazorchak@stoweelectric.com
Jackie Pratt, Town of Stowe Electric Department [REP]
Mailing PO Box 190 Stowe, VT 05672
Work: (802) 253-7215
Primary Email: jpratt@stoweelectric.com
Simon, Laura [PART]
Mailing PO Box 1112 Wilder, VT 05088
Mobile: (802) 296-8318
Primary Email: simonlaura06@gmail.com
Law Office of James A. Dumont, Esq. PC [PART]
Mailing PO Box 229, 15 Main Street Bristol, VT 05443
Work: (802) 453-7011
Fax: (802) 505-6290
James Dumont, [REP]
Mailing PO Box 229 Bristol, VT 05443
Office: (802) 453-7011
Primary Email: dumont@gmavt.net
Despathy, Alison [PART]
Mobile: (802) 424-5310
Work: (802) 748-1487
Primary Email: alison.despathy@gmail.com
Vermont Natural Resources Council [PART]
Mailing 11 Baldwin Street Montpelier, VT 05602
Johanna Miller, Vermont Natural Resources Council [REP]
Mailing 11 Baldwin Street Montpelier, VT 05602
Work: (802) 223-2328
Primary Email: jmiller@vnrc.org
Bock, Catherine [PART]
Physical 175 A North Prospect St. Burlington, VT 05401
Home: (650) 521-6959
Primary Email: tinki.bock@gmail.com
Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. [PART]
Mailing 85 Swift Street South Burlington, VT 05403
Work: (802) 951-0323
Jill Pfenning, Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. [REP]
Mailing 85 Swift Street South Burlington, VT 05403
Work: (802) 557-2421
Primary Email: jpfenning@vermontgas.com
Mary Bouchard, Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. [REP]
Mailing 85 Swift Street South Burlington, VT 05403
Work: (802) 863-4511
Primary Email: mbouchard@vermontgas.com
Parks, Frederick M [PART]
Mailing PO Box 217 Fairfield, VT 05455
Home: (802) 922-8285
Primary Email: parkstribe@gmail.com
Parks, Katherine E [PART]
Mailing PO Box 217 Fairfield, VT 05455
Home: (802) 922-8285
Primary Email: parkstribe@gmail.com
Shenker Russo & Clark LLP [PART]
Mailing 121 State Street, 4th Floor Albany, NY 12207
Michael C. Trunzo, Shenker Russo & Clark LLP [REP]
Mailing 121 State Street, 4th Floor Albany, NY 12207
Work: (518) 407-5800
Mobile: (518) 596-6262
Primary Email: michael.trunzo@srclawoffices.com
Pierce, Gregory [PART]
Mailing 12 Farrar Street Saint Albans, VT 05478-1540
Home: (802) 524-6340
Primary Email: greg.pierce7@gmail.com
Washington Electric Cooperative Inc. [PART]
Mailing P.O. Box 8 East Montpelier, VT 05651
Work: (802) 223-5245
William Allen Powell, Washington Electric Co-op [REP]
Mailing P.O. Box 8 East Montpelier, VT 05651
Work: (802) 224-2329
Primary Email: bill.powell@wec.coop
Physical 91 College Street Burlington, VT 04501
Work: (802) 860-1003
Geoffrey Hand, Esq., SRH Law PLLC [REP]
Mailing 91 College Street, PO Box 545 Burlington, VT 05402
Work: (802) 860-1003
Primary Email: ghand@srhlaw.com
Paul J.M. Quackenbush, SRH Law PLLC [REP]
Mailing PO Box 545, 91 College Street Burlington, VT 05402-0545
Work: (802) 860-1003
Primary Email: pquackenbush@srhlaw.com
Victoria M. Westgate, Esq., SRH Law PLLC [REP]
Mailing 91 College Street, P.O. Box 545 Burlington, VT 05402-0545
Work: (802) 860-1003
Primary Email: vwestgate@srhlaw.com
Malachi T. Brennan, SRH Law PLLC [REP]
Mailing 91 College Street, PO Box 545 Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 860-1003
Primary Email: mbrennan@srhlaw.com
Gray, Linda [PART]
Mailing 175 Kerwin Hill Road Norwich, VT 05055
Primary Email: linda.c.gray@gmail.com
Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets [PART]
Mailing 116 State Street, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620
Alex DePillis, Agency of Agriculture Food & Markets [REP]
Mailing 116 State Street, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620-2901
Work: (802) 505-3067
Primary Email: Alex.DePillis@vermont.gov
George, Joyce [PART]
Primary Email: joyce802@gmail.com
Vermont Electric Cooperative Inc. [PART]
Mailing 42 Wescom Road Johnson, VT 05656
Work: (802) 730-1153
Andrea Cohen, Vermont Electric Cooperative, Inc. [REP]
Mailing 42 Wescom Road Johnson, VT 05656
Primary Email: acohen@vermontelectric.coop
Conservation Law Foundation [PART]
Mailing 15 East State Street, Suite 4 Montpelier, VT 05602
Work: (802) 223-5992
Chase Whiting, Esq., Conservation Law Foundation [REP]
Physical CLF 15 East State Street, Suite 4 Montpelier, VT 05602
Work: 8022235992
Primary Email: cwhiting@clf.org
Work Email: cwhiting@clf.org
Elena Mihaly, Conservation Law Foundation [REP]
Mailing 15 East State Street, Ste. 4 Montpelier, VT 05602
Work: (802) 223-5992
Work Email:
Primary Email: emihaly@clf.org
Anthea Dexter-Cooper, Conservation Law Foundation [REP]
Mailing 15 East State Street Montpelier, VT 05602
Work: (802) 622-3015
Primary Email: adexter-cooper@clf.org
Clean Fuels Alliance America [PART]
Mailing 1415 L Street, Suite 460 Sacramento, CA 95814
Michael C. Trunzo, Shenker Russo & Clark LLP [REP]
Mailing 121 State Street, 4th Floor Albany, NY 12207
Work: (518) 407-5800
Mobile: (518) 596-6262
Primary Email: michael.trunzo@srclawoffices.com
Steve Dodge, Clean Fuels Alliance America [REP]
Work: (781) 361-0156
Primary Email: sdodge@cleanfuels.org
City of Burlington Electric Department [PART]
Mailing 585 Pine Street Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 865-7343
Amber Widmayer, City of Burlington Electric Department [REP]
Primary Email: awidmayer@burlingtonelectric.com
Efficiency Vermont - Vermont Energy Investment Corporation [PART]
Mailing 20 Winooski Falls Way, 5th Floor Winooski, VT 05404
Work: 8889215990
David C. Westman, Efficiency Vermont - Vermont Energy Investment Corporation [REP]
Mailing 20 Winooski Falls Way, 5th Floor Winooski, VT 05404
Work: (802) 540-7668
Primary Email: dwestman@veic.org
Emily Roscoe, Efficiency Vermont [REP]
Primary Email: eroscoe@veic.org
American Institute Of Architects Vermont Chapter [PART]
Donna J. Leban, American Institute of Architects Vermont Chapter [REP]
Mailing 7 Iris Lane South Burlington, VT 05403
Work: (802) 862-1901
Primary Email: lightspd@comcast.net
Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas [PART]
Sam Lehr, Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas [REP]
Work: (916) 588-3033
Mobile: (302) 757-0866
Primary Email: sam.lehr@rngcoalition.com
Albrecht, P.E., Ray [PART]
Mobile: (315) 382-6044
Primary Email: rayalbrechtpe@gmail.com
Bissell, Isaac [PART]
Primary Email: isaacwbissell@gmail.com
Adams, Ashley [PART]
Mailing 544 S PROSPECT ST Burlington, VT 05401
Home: (802) 343-2875
Primary Email: ashleyjaneadams@gmail.com
Weiss, Thomas [PART]
Mailing PO Box 512 Montpelier, VT 05601
Primary Email: bandsol@together.net
Doremus, Greg [PART]
Shelburne, VT
Mobile: (802) 249-1825
Primary Email: gregoryhdoremus@gmail.com
Mailing 94 Harvest Lane Williston, VT 05495
Office: (802) 349-4966
David Mullett, AllEarth Renewables, Inc. [REP]
Mailing 94 Harvest Lane, Suite 100 Williston, VT 05495
Work: (802) 872-9600
Primary Email: dmullett@allearthrenewables.com
Vermont Public Power Supply Authority [PART]
Mailing P.O. Box 126, 5195 Waterbury-Stowe Rd. Waterbury Ctr., VT 05677
Office: (802) 244-7678
Ken Nolan, Vermont Public Power Supply Authority [REP]
Mailing P.O. Box 126 Waterbury Center, VT 05677
Work: (802) 244-7678
Work: (802) 882-8500
Primary Email: knolan@vppsa.com
Connor Daley, Vermont Public Power Supply Authority [REP]
Mailing PO Box 126 Waterbury Center, VT 05677
Primary Email: cdaley@vppsa.com
Steven R Farman, Vermont Public Power Supply Authority [REP]
Mailing 5195 Waterbury-Stowe rd Waterbury Center, VT 05766
Work: (802) 882-8506
Primary Email: sfarman@vppsa.com
Heather D'Arcy, Vermont Public Power Supply Authority [REP]
Mailing PO Box 126 Waterbury Center, VT 05677
Work: (802) 882-8511
Work Email:
Primary Email: hdarcy@vppsa.com
Leslie, Stephen [PART]
Hartland, VT
Primary Email: hartlandyoga@yahoo.com
Merrick, Phillip [PART]
Mailing 134 Dale Rd Burlington, VT 05408
Mobile: (802) 578-7561
Primary Email: philsnextone@gmail.com
Gardner, Geoffrey [PART]
Mailing 938 Old Post Road Bradford, VT 05033
Home: (802) 222-3460
Primary Email: Geoffrey323@myfairpoint.net
Blood, Stuart [PART]
Mailing 851 Poor Farm Road Thetford Center, VT 05075
Home: (802) 785-4950
Primary Email: ssblood@riseup.net
Hillman, David [PART]
Mobile: (802) 373-9612
Primary Email: Dhillman73@icloud.com
Vermont Fuel Dealers Association [PART]
Joshua Diamond, Dinse [REP]
Mailing 209 Battery Street Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 859-7025
Primary Email: jdiamond@dinse.com
Matt Cota, Meadow Hill Consulting [REP]
Mobile: (802) 318-2190
Primary Email: matt@meadowhillvt.com
Heating and Cooling Contractors of Vermont [PART]
Joshua Diamond, Dinse [REP]
Mailing 209 Battery Street Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 859-7025
Primary Email: jdiamond@dinse.com
The Valero Companies [PART]
Mailing One Valero Way San Antonio, TX 78249
Carolyn Campion, The Valero Companies [REP]
Mailing One Valero Way San Antonio, TX 78249
Work: (210) 345-3357
Primary Email: Carolyn.Campion@valero.com
Kelly, James [PART]
Primary Email: kellyjfp@gmail.com
Associated Industries of Vermont [PART]
Mailing PO Box 630 Montpelier, VT 05601
Office: (802) 223-3441
William Driscoll, Associated Industries of Vermont [REP]
Primary Email: wdriscoll@aivt.org
Triland Partners LP [PART]
Mailing PO Box 77 Windham, NH 03087
Physical 44 Indian Rock Road Windham, NH 03087
Thomas T. Garden, Triland Partners LP [REP]
Mailing PO Box 777, 44 Indian Rock Road Windham, NH 03087
Mobile: (617) 413-7805
Primary Email: tgarden@trilandpartners.com
Work Email: tgarden@trilandpartners.com
Suburban Propane [PART]
Mailing PO Box 206, 240 Route 10 West Whippany, NJ 07981
Paul Rozenberg, Suburban Propane [REP]
Mailing PO Box 206, 240 Route 10 West Whippany, NJ 07981
Work: (973) 503-9915
Mobile: (862) 217-9643
Primary Email: PRozenberg@suburbanpropane.com
Global Partners LP [PART]
Mailing 800 South Street, Suite 500 Waltham, MA 02453
Ryan Vazza, Global Partners LP [REP]
Mailing 800 South Street, Suite 500 Waltham, MA 02453
Mobile: (781) 697-1777
Primary Email: ryan.vazza@globalp.com
Green Mountain Power Corporation [PART]
Mailing 163 Acorn Lane Colchester, VT 05446
Work: (802) 655-8768
Liz Miller, Green Mountain Power [REP]
Mailing 163 Acorn Lane Colchester, VT 05446
Mobile: (802) 522-3090
Primary Email: Liz.Miller@greenmountainpower.com
Grace Grundhauser, Green Mountain Power Corporation [REP]
Physical 163 Acorn Lane Colchester, VT 05446
Work: (888) 835-4672
Primary Email: grace.grundhauser@greenmountainpower.com
Vermont Department of Health [PART]
Mailing 108 Cherry St, PO Box 70 Burlington, VT 05402
Jared Ulmer, Vermont Department of Health [REP]
Mailing 108 Cherry St Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 865-7762
Primary Email: jared.ulmer@vermont.gov
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources [PART]
Mailing 1 National Life Drive, Davis 2 Montpelier, VT 05620
Work: (802) 828-1295
William Coster, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources [REP]
Mailing 1 National Life Drive, Davis 2 Montpelier, VT 05620
Work: (802) 828-1295
Primary Email: billy.coster@vermont.gov
Brian Woods, Agency of Natural Resources-Climate Action Office [REP]
Mailing 1 National Life Drive, Davis 2 Montpelier, VT 05620-3901
Work: (802) 272-4496
Primary Email: Brian.Woods@vermont.gov
Vermont Public Interest Research Group [PART]
Ben Walsh, Vermont Public Interest Research Group [REP]
Primary Email: bwalsh@vpirg.org
Living Buildings LLC [PART]
Mailing PO Box 42 North Bennington, VT 05257
Mobile: (802) 338-1438
Marcus Jones, Living Buildings, LLC [REP]
Mailing PO Box 42 North Bennington, VT 05257
Mobile: (802) 338-1438
Primary Email: marcus@livingbuildings.co
Rewiring America [PART]
Amanda Sachs, Rewiring America [REP]
Primary Email: amanda@rewiringamerica.org
Louise Diamond Committee to Protect Next Generations [PART]
Mailing 280 Rounds Road Bristol, VT 05443
John L. McCormick, Louise Diamond Committee to Protect Next Generations [REP]
Mailing 280 Rounds Road Bristol, VT 05443
Work: (571) 331-1066
Primary Email: jmccormick@imtd.org
Partnership for Policy Integrity [PART]
Work: (518) 949-1797
Laura Haight, Partnership for Policy Integrity [REP]
Work: (518) 949-1797
Primary Email: lhaight@pfpi.net
Irving Oil [PART]
Heidi Clifford, Irving Oil [REP]
Work: (506) 202-1014
Mobile: (506) 651-0987
Primary Email: Heidi.Clifford@irvingoil.com
Center for Resource Solutions [PART]
Devon Johnson, Center for Resource Solutions [REP]
Work: (415) 561-2102
Primary Email: devon.johnson@resource-solutions.org
Leonine Public Affairs [PART]
Dylan Zwicky, Leonine Public Affairs [REP]
Mobile: (802) 989-3550
Primary Email: Dylan@leoninepublicaffairs.com
Physical 45 Court Street Montpelier, VT 05602
Justin Johnson, MMR, LLC [REP]
Physical 45 Court Street Montpelier, VT 05602
Mobile: (802) 522-8794
Primary Email: justin@mmrvt.com
Keller, Michelle [PART]
Primary Email: vtkeller@gmavt.net
Jones, Ken [PART]
Primary Email: kjonesvt5@gmail.com
Hillman, Luce [PART]
Primary Email: luce.hillman@uvm.edu
Lamont, William "Casey" [PART]
Primary Email: clamont@burlingtonelectric.com
Levin, Emily [PART]
Work: (617) 259-2046
Primary Email: elevin@nescaum.org
Vergara, Floyd V. [PART]
Mailing 1415 L Street, Suite 460 Sacramento, CA 95814
Work: (916) 760-8870
Primary Email: vergara.law@gmail.com
Wang, PhD., Michael [PART]
Primary Email: mwang@anl.gov
Weston, Frederick [PART]
Primary Email: formaine@comcast.net
Wood, Patrick [PART]
Primary Email: patrick@agmethaneadvisors.com
Vermont Association of Area Agencies on Aging [PART]
John Mandeville, Central Vermont Council on Agencies on Aging [REP]
Primary Email: jmandeville@cvcoa.org
Myers, Jen [PART]
Primary Email: jmckaymyers2020@gmail.com
Srinivasan, Sriram [PART]
Primary Email: slsrinivasan@gmail.com
Vermont Housing Finance Agency [PART]
Mailing 164 St. Paul Street Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 864-5743
Mia Watson, Vermont Housing Finance Agency [REP]
Primary Email: MWatson@vhfa.org
Vermont Department for Children and Families [PART]
Mailing 280 State Drive - HC 1 North Waterbury, VT 05671-1080
Work: (802) 241-0929
Geoff Wilcox, Vermont Office of Economic Opportunity [REP]
Primary Email: geoff.wilcox@vermont.gov
Vermont State Housing Authority [PART]
Mailing One Prospect Street Montpelier, VT 05602-3556
Office: (802) 828-3026
Primary Email: contact@vsha.org
Christopher Trombly, Vermont State Housing Authority [REP]
Primary Email: christopher.trombly@vsha.org
Mandeville, John [PART]
Primary Email: jmandeville@cvcoa.org
Myers, Jen [PART]
Primary Email: jmckaymyers2020@gmail.com
Village of Hyde Park Electric Department [PART]
Mailing P.O. Box 400 Hyde Park, VT 05655
Work: (802) 888-2310
Brian Evans-Mongeon, Village of Hyde Park Electric Department [REP]
Mailing P.O. Box 400 Hyde Park, VT 05655
Mobile: (802) 793-6566
Primary Email: gm@villageofhydepark.com
Bray, Senator Christopher [PART]
Mailing 829 South Street New Haven, VT 05472
Primary Email: cbray@leg.state.vt.us
Persampieri, Nicholas [PART]
Physical 18 Clarke St., Apt. 1 Burlington, VT 05401
Mobile: (802) 552-8410
Primary Email: nickpersamp@yahoo.com
Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management [PART]
Emily Levin, [REP]
Work: (617) 259-2046
Primary Email: elevin@nescaum.org