Vermont Legal Aid [PET]
Mailing 264 North Winooski Ave. Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 863-5620
Active |
W. David Koeninger, Vermont Legal Aid...
Mailing 264 North Winooski Ave. Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 383-2216
Primary Email: DKoeninger@vtlegalaid.org
Active |
Vermont Department of Public Service [P]
Mailing 112 State Street, 3rd Floor Montpelier, VT 05620
Active |
James Porter, Esq., Vermont Departmen...
Mailing 112 State Street Montpelier, VT 05620
Work: (802) 828-4003
Primary Email: james.porter@vermont.gov
Active |
Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. [P]
Mailing 85 Swift Street South Burlington, VT 05403
Work: (802) 951-0323
Active |
Jill Pfenning, Vermont Gas Systems, I...
Mailing 85 Swift Street South Burlington, VT 05403
Work: (802) 557-2421
Primary Email: jpfenning@vermontgas.com
Active |
Barton Village Inc. Electric Department [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 519 Barton, VT 05822
Work: (802) 525-4747
Active |
Crystal L Currier, Vermont Public Pow...
Mailing PO Box 126 Waterbury Center, VT 05677
Work: (802) 882-8501
Primary Email: ccurrier@vppsa.com
Active |
Green Mountain Power Corporation [P]
Mailing 163 Acorn Lane Colchester, VT 05446
Work: (802) 655-8768
Active |
Mari McClure, Green Mountain Power Co...
Mailing 163 Acorn Lane Colchester, VT 05446
Primary Email: ceo@greenmountainpower.com
Active |
Grace Grundhauser, Green Mountain Pow...
Physical 163 Acorn Lane Colchester, VT 05446
Work: (888) 835-4672
Primary Email: grace.grundhauser@greenmountainpower.com
Active |
Swanton Village, Inc. Electric Department [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 279, 120 First Street Swanton, VT 05488
Work: (802) 868-3397
Active |
William (Bill) Sheets, Swanton Villag...
Mailing 120 First Street Swanton, VT 05488
Work: (802) 868-3397
Primary Email: wsheets@swanton.net
Active |
Town of Hardwick Electric Department [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 516, 123 North Main Hardwick, VT 05843
Work: (802) 472-5201
Active |
Michael Sullivan, Town of Hardwick El...
Active |
Elijah D Emerson, Esq., Primmer Piper...
Mailing PO Box 1309 Montpelier, VT 05601
Work: (802) 223-2102
Primary Email: eemerson@primmer.com
Active |
Karen Field, Town of Hardwick Electri...
Mailing PO Box 516 Hardwick, VT 05843
Work: (802) 472-5201
Primary Email: kfield@hardwickelectric.com
Active |
Town of Northfield Electric Department [P]
Mailing 51 South Main Street, Northfield Municipal Building Northfield, VT 05663
Work: (802) 485-5411
Active |
Elijah D Emerson, Esq., Primmer Piper...
Mailing PO Box 1309 Montpelier, VT 05601
Work: (802) 223-2102
Primary Email: eemerson@primmer.com
Active |
Jeffrey Schulz, Town of Northfield El...
Mailing 51 South Main Street Northfield, VT 05663
Work: (802) 485-6121
Primary Email: jschulz@northfield.vt.us
Active |
Town of Stowe Electric Department [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 190, 435 Moscow Road Stowe, VT 05672
Work: (802) 253-7215
Active |
Michael Lazorchak, Town of Stowe Elec...
Mailing PO Box 190 Stowe, VT 05672
Work: (802) 253-7215
Primary Email: mlazorchak@stoweelectric.com
Active |
Michael J. Hall, Stackpole & Fren...
Active |
Jackie Pratt, Town of Stowe Electric ...
Mailing PO Box 190 Stowe, VT 05672
Work: (802) 253-7215
Primary Email: jpratt@stoweelectric.com
Active |
Vermont Electric Cooperative Inc. [P]
Mailing 42 Wescom Road Johnson, VT 05656
Work: (802) 730-1153
Active |
Victoria J. Brown, Esq., Vermont Elec...
Mailing 42 Wescom Road Johnson, VT 05656
Work: (800) 832-2667
Work: (802) 730-1129
Mobile: (802) 730-2392
Primary Email: vbrown@vermontelectric.coop
Active |
Rebecca Towne, Vermont Electric Coope...
Mailing 42 Wescom Road Johnson, VT 05656
Work: (800) 832-2667
Primary Email: rtowne@vermontelectric.coop
Active |
Vermont Public Power Supply Authority [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 126, 5195 Waterbury-Stowe Rd. Waterbury Ctr., VT 05677
Office: (802) 244-7678
Active |
Ken Nolan, Vermont Public Power Suppl...
Mailing P.O. Box 126 Waterbury Center, VT 05677
Work: (802) 244-7678
Work: (802) 882-8500
Primary Email: knolan@vppsa.com
Active |
Steven R Farman, Vermont Public Power...
Mailing 5195 Waterbury-Stowe rd Waterbury Center, VT 05766
Work: (802) 882-8506
Primary Email: sfarman@vppsa.com
Active |
William F. Ellis, McNeil, Leddy &...
Mailing 271 South Union Street Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 863-4531
Primary Email: wellis@mcneilvt.com
Active |
Village of Enosburg Falls Water & Light Department Inc. [P]
Mailing 42 Village Drive Enosburg Falls, VT 05450
Work: (802) 933-4443
Active |
Elijah D Emerson, Esq., Primmer Piper...
Mailing PO Box 1309 Montpelier, VT 05601
Work: (802) 223-2102
Primary Email: eemerson@primmer.com
Active |
Abbey Miller, Village of Enosburg Fal...
Mailing 42 Village Drive Enosburg Falls, VT 05450
Work: (802) 933-4443
Primary Email: amiller@enosburg.net
Active |
Village of Hyde Park Electric Department [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 400 Hyde Park, VT 05655
Work: (802) 888-2310
Active |
Brian Evans-Mongeon, Village of Hyde ...
Mailing P.O. Box 400 Hyde Park, VT 05655
Mobile: (802) 793-6566
Primary Email: gm@villageofhydepark.com
Active |
Village of Jacksonville Electric Company [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 169 Jacksonville, VT 05342
Work: (802) 368-7010
Active |
Pamela Moore, Village of Jacksonville...
Active |
Village of Johnson Water & Light Department [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 603 Johnson, VT 05656
Work: (802) 635-2611
Active |
Elijah D Emerson, Esq., Primmer Piper...
Mailing PO Box 1309 Montpelier, VT 05601
Work: (802) 223-2102
Primary Email: eemerson@primmer.com
Active |
Marla Emery, Village of Johnson Water...
Mailing P.O. Box 603 Johnson, VT 05656
Work: (802) 635-2611
Primary Email: memery@townofjohnson.com
Active |
Erik Bailey, Village of Johnson Water...
Mailing PO Box 603 Johnson, VT 05656
Work: (802) 635-2611
Primary Email: ebailey@townofjohnson.com
Active |
Village of Ludlow Electric Light Department [P]
Mailing 9 Pond Street Ludlow, VT 05149
Work: (802) 228-7766
Active |
Thomas Petraska, Village of Ludlow El...
Mailing 9 Pond Street Ludlow, VT 05149
Work: (802) 228-7766
Primary Email: tpetraska@ludlowelectric.com
Active |
Town of Lyndon Electric Department [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 167, 20 Park Avenue Lyndonville, VT 05851
Work: (802) 626-3366
Active |
Jonathan Elwell, Village of Lyndonvil...
Mailing PO Box 167, 20 Park Avenue Lyndonville, VT 05851
Work: (802) 626-3366
Primary Email: jelwell@lyndonvilleelectric.com
Active |
Village of Morrisville Water & Light Department [P]
Mailing 857 Elmore Street Morrisville, VT 05661
Work: (802) 888-3348
Active |
Scott Johnstone, Village of Morrisvil...
Mailing 857 Elmore Street Morrisville, VT 05661
Work: (802) 888-6289
Primary Email: sjohnstone@mwlvt.com
Active |
Village of Orleans Electric Department [P]
Mailing Municipal Building, One Memorial Square Orleans, VT 05860
Work: (802) 754-8584
Active |
John Morley, Village of Orleans Elect...
Mailing Municipal Building, One Memorial Square Orleans, VT 05860
Work: (802) 754-8584
Primary Email: jmorley@villageoforleansvt.org
Active |
Washington Electric Cooperative Inc. [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 8 East Montpelier, VT 05651
Work: (802) 223-5245
Active |
Ronald A. Shems, Esq., Tarrant, Gilli...
Mailing P.O. Box 1440 Montpelier, VT 05601-1440
Work: (802) 223-1112
Primary Email: ron@tarrantgillies.com
Active |
Louis Porter, Washington Electric Coo...
Mailing PO Box 8 East Montpelier, VT 05651
Mobile: (802) 595-3691
Primary Email: louis.porter@wec.coop
Active |
City of Burlington Electric Department [P]
Mailing 585 Pine Street Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 865-7343
Active |
James Gibbons, City of Burlington Ele...
Mailing 585 Pine Street Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 658-0300
Primary Email: jgibbons@burlingtonelectric.com
Active |
Darren Springer, City of Burlington E...
Mailing 585 Pine Street Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 865-7343
Primary Email: dspringer@burlingtonelectric.com
Active |
Emily Stebbins-Wheelock, City of Burl...
Mailing 585 Pine Street Burlington, VT 05401
Primary Email: estebbins-wheelock@burlingtonelectric.com
Active |
William F. Ellis, McNeil, Leddy &...
Mailing 271 South Union Street Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 863-4531
Primary Email: wellis@mcneilvt.com
Active |
Consolidated Communications of Vermont Company, LLC [P]
Mailing 266 Main Street Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 951-8008
Active |
Scott Brooks, Consolidated Communicat...
Mobile: (802) 793-8288
Primary Email: scott.brooks@consolidated.com
Active |
Franklin Telephone Company [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 96 Franklin, VT 05457
Work: (802) 285-9911
Active |
Paul J. Phillips, Esq., Primmer Piper...
Mailing 30 Main Street, Suite 500, P.O. Box 1489 Burlington, VT 05402
Work: (802) 223-2102
Fax: (802) 223-2628
Work: (802) 864-0880
Primary Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Work Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Active |
Ludlow Telephone Company [P]
Mailing 111 Main Street Ludlow, VT 05149
Work: (802) 228-9911
Active |
Paul J. Phillips, Esq., Primmer Piper...
Mailing 30 Main Street, Suite 500, P.O. Box 1489 Burlington, VT 05402
Work: (802) 223-2102
Fax: (802) 223-2628
Work: (802) 864-0880
Primary Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Work Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Active |
Perkinsville Telephone Company [P]
Mailing 111 Main Street Ludlow, VT 05149
Work: (802) 485-2937
Active |
Paul J. Phillips, Esq., Primmer Piper...
Mailing 30 Main Street, Suite 500, P.O. Box 1489 Burlington, VT 05402
Work: (802) 223-2102
Fax: (802) 223-2628
Work: (802) 864-0880
Primary Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Work Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Active |
Shoreham Telephone LLC [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 236 Shoreham, VT 05770
Work: (802) 897-9911
Active |
Paul J. Phillips, Esq., Primmer Piper...
Mailing 30 Main Street, Suite 500, P.O. Box 1489 Burlington, VT 05402
Work: (802) 223-2102
Fax: (802) 223-2628
Work: (802) 864-0880
Primary Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Work Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Active |
Topsham Telephone Company [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 1075 East Cornith, VT 05040
Work: (802) 439-5325
Active |
Paul J. Phillips, Esq., Primmer Piper...
Mailing 30 Main Street, Suite 500, P.O. Box 1489 Burlington, VT 05402
Work: (802) 223-2102
Fax: (802) 223-2628
Work: (802) 864-0880
Primary Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Work Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Active |
Vermont Telephone Company, Inc. [P]
Mailing 354 River Street Springfield, VT 05156
Work: (802) 885-7712
Active |
Paul J. Phillips, Esq., Primmer Piper...
Mailing 30 Main Street, Suite 500, P.O. Box 1489 Burlington, VT 05402
Work: (802) 223-2102
Fax: (802) 223-2628
Work: (802) 864-0880
Primary Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Work Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Active |
Waitsfield-Fayston Telephone Company, Inc. [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 9 Waitsfield, VT 05673
Work: (802) 496-3391
Active |
Paul J. Phillips, Esq., Primmer Piper...
Mailing 30 Main Street, Suite 500, P.O. Box 1489 Burlington, VT 05402
Work: (802) 223-2102
Fax: (802) 223-2628
Work: (802) 864-0880
Primary Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Work Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Active |
Northfield Telephone Company [P]
Mailing 24 Depot Square, Unit 2 Northfield, VT 05663
Work: (802) 485-9911
Active |
Paul J. Phillips, Esq., Primmer Piper...
Mailing 30 Main Street, Suite 500, P.O. Box 1489 Burlington, VT 05402
Work: (802) 223-2102
Fax: (802) 223-2628
Work: (802) 864-0880
Primary Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Work Email: pphillips@primmer.com
Active |
MCI Communications Services LLC [P]
Mailing 5055 North Point Parkway Alpharetta, GA 30022
Work: (888) 605-0469
Active |
Alexander W. Moore, Esq., Verizon [REP]
Mailing 6 Bowdoin Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02114
Work: (857) 415-5130
Primary Email: alexander.w.moore@verizon.com
Active |
Christopher Bean, Verizon [REP]
Business 6 Bowdoin Square Boston, MA 02114
Work: (857) 415-5161
Primary Email: Christopher.e.bean@verizon.com
Active |
MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC [P]
Mailing 5055 North Point Parkway, Floor 2 Alpharetta, GA 30022
Work: (888) 605-0469
Active |
Alexander W. Moore, Esq., Verizon [REP]
Mailing 6 Bowdoin Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02114
Work: (857) 415-5130
Primary Email: alexander.w.moore@verizon.com
Active |
Christopher Bean, Verizon [REP]
Business 6 Bowdoin Square Boston, MA 02114
Work: (857) 415-5161
Primary Email: Christopher.e.bean@verizon.com
Active |
AT&T Corporation [P]
Mailing 225 West Randolph Street, Floor 25D Chicago, IL 60606
Work: (312) 727-1444
Active |
James A. Huttenhower, Esq., [REP]
Mailing 225 West Randolph Street, Floor 25D Chicago, IL 60606
Work: (312) 727-1444
Primary Email: jh7452@att.com
Active |
Teleport Communications America, LLC [P]
Mailing 225 West Randolph Street, Floor 25D Chicago, IL 60606
Work: (312) 727-1444
Active |
James A. Huttenhower, Esq., [REP]
Mailing 225 West Randolph Street, Floor 25D Chicago, IL 60606
Work: (312) 727-1444
Primary Email: jh7452@att.com
Active |
Champlain Broadband LLC [P]
Mailing 200 Church St. Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (240) 420-2068
Active |
Amber L. Thibeault, Bauer Gravel Farn...
Mailing 401 Water Tower Circle, Suite 101 Colchester, VT 05446
Work: (802) 879-6323
Fax: (802) 657-3566
Primary Email: athibeault@vtlawoffices.com
Active |
Broadwing Communications, LLC [P]
Mailing 100 CenturyLink Drive Monroe, LA 71203
Work: (318) 388-9416
Active |
Sue Benedek, CenturyLink Communicatio...
Mailing 240 N. Third Street, Suite 300 Harrisburg, PA 17101
Work: (717) 775-3088
Primary Email: sue.benedek@centurylink.com
Active |
Pamela Sherwood, CenturyLink [REP]
Mailing 4625 West 86th Street, Suite 500 Indianapolis, IN 46268
Work: (317) 713-8977
Primary Email: pamela.sherwood@centurylink.com
Active |
CenturyLink Communications, LLC [P]
Mailing 100 Century Link Drive Monroe, LA 71203
Work: (318) 388-9416
Active |
Sue Benedek, CenturyLink Communicatio...
Mailing 240 N. Third Street, Suite 300 Harrisburg, PA 17101
Work: (717) 775-3088
Primary Email: sue.benedek@centurylink.com
Active |
Pamela Sherwood, CenturyLink [REP]
Mailing 4625 West 86th Street, Suite 500 Indianapolis, IN 46268
Work: (317) 713-8977
Primary Email: pamela.sherwood@centurylink.com
Active |
Global Crossing Local Services, Inc. [P]
Mailing 100 CenturyLink Drive Monroe, LA 71203
Work: (318) 388-9416
Active |
Sue Benedek, CenturyLink Communicatio...
Mailing 240 N. Third Street, Suite 300 Harrisburg, PA 17101
Work: (717) 775-3088
Primary Email: sue.benedek@centurylink.com
Active |
Pamela Sherwood, CenturyLink [REP]
Mailing 4625 West 86th Street, Suite 500 Indianapolis, IN 46268
Work: (317) 713-8977
Primary Email: pamela.sherwood@centurylink.com
Active |
Global Crossing Telecommunications, Inc. [P]
Mailing 100 CenturyLink Drive Monroe, LA 71203
Work: (318) 388-9416
Active |
Sue Benedek, CenturyLink Communicatio...
Mailing 240 N. Third Street, Suite 300 Harrisburg, PA 17101
Work: (717) 775-3088
Primary Email: sue.benedek@centurylink.com
Active |
Pamela Sherwood, CenturyLink [REP]
Mailing 4625 West 86th Street, Suite 500 Indianapolis, IN 46268
Work: (317) 713-8977
Primary Email: pamela.sherwood@centurylink.com
Active |
Level 3 Communications, LLC [P]
Mailing 100 Century Link Drive Monroe, LA 71203
Work: (318) 388-9416
Active |
Sue Benedek, CenturyLink Communicatio...
Mailing 240 N. Third Street, Suite 300 Harrisburg, PA 17101
Work: (717) 775-3088
Primary Email: sue.benedek@centurylink.com
Active |
Pamela Sherwood, CenturyLink [REP]
Mailing 4625 West 86th Street, Suite 500 Indianapolis, IN 46268
Work: (317) 713-8977
Primary Email: pamela.sherwood@centurylink.com
Active |
Level 3 Telecom Data Services, LLC [P]
Mailing 100 CenturyLink Drive Monroe, LA 71203
Work: (318) 388-9416
Active |
Sue Benedek, CenturyLink Communicatio...
Mailing 240 N. Third Street, Suite 300 Harrisburg, PA 17101
Work: (717) 775-3088
Primary Email: sue.benedek@centurylink.com
Active |
Pamela Sherwood, CenturyLink [REP]
Mailing 4625 West 86th Street, Suite 500 Indianapolis, IN 46268
Work: (317) 713-8977
Primary Email: pamela.sherwood@centurylink.com
Active |
TelCove Operations, LLC [P]
Mailing 100 CenturyLink Drive Monroe, LA 71203
Work: (318) 388-9416
Active |
Sue Benedek, CenturyLink Communicatio...
Mailing 240 N. Third Street, Suite 300 Harrisburg, PA 17101
Work: (717) 775-3088
Primary Email: sue.benedek@centurylink.com
Active |
Pamela Sherwood, CenturyLink [REP]
Mailing 4625 West 86th Street, Suite 500 Indianapolis, IN 46268
Work: (317) 713-8977
Primary Email: pamela.sherwood@centurylink.com
Active |
Wiltel Communications, LLC [P]
Mailing 100 CenturyLink Drive Monroe, LA 71203
Work: (318) 388-9416
Active |
Sue Benedek, CenturyLink Communicatio...
Mailing 240 N. Third Street, Suite 300 Harrisburg, PA 17101
Work: (717) 775-3088
Primary Email: sue.benedek@centurylink.com
Active |
Pamela Sherwood, CenturyLink [REP]
Mailing 4625 West 86th Street, Suite 500 Indianapolis, IN 46268
Work: (317) 713-8977
Primary Email: pamela.sherwood@centurylink.com
Active |
FirstLight Fiber, Inc. [P]
Mailing 41 State Street, 10th Floor Albany, NY 12207
Work: (518) 694-4386
Active |
Mary Burgess, FirstLight Fiber [REP]
Mailing 41 State Street, 10th Floor Albany, NY 12207
Primary Email: mburgess@firstlight.net
Active |
Berlin Water Company, Inc [P]
Mailing 111 Freedom Drive Montpelier, VT 05620
Work: (802) 223-5060
Active |
Deane Hedges, [REP]
Mailing 111 Freedom Drive Montpelier, VT 05602
Work: (802) 223-5060
Work: (802) 455-8090
Primary Email: crystalspringswatervt@gmail.com
Active |
Bolton Valley Community Water and Sewer, LLC [P]
Physical 26 Wentworth Road Bolton, VT 05477
Work: (802) 316-1202
Active |
Lindsay DesLauriers, Bolton Valley Co...
Mailing 26 Wentworth Road Bolton Valley, VT 05477
Work: (802) 343-7423
Primary Email: lindsay@lmdcapitolstrategies.com
Active |
Bromley Water Company, Inc. [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 1130 Manchester Center, VT 05255
Active |
Bill Cairns, Bromley Water Company [REP]
Mailing PO Box 1130 Manchester Center, VT 05255
Work: (802) 824-5522
Primary Email: BC@Bromley.com
Active |
Burke Mountain Water Company [P]
Mailing 223 Sherburne Lodge Road East Burke, VT 05832
Work: (802) 626-7300
Active |
Kevin Mack, Burke Mountain Water Comp...
Mailing 223 Sherburne Lodge Road East Burke, VT 05832
Work: (802) 626-7365
Primary Email: kmack@skiburke.com
Active |
Gary Endicott, Burke Mountain Water C...
Mailing 223 Sherburne Lodge Road East Burke, VT 05832
Work: (802) 626-7300
Primary Email: gendicott@leisurehotel.com
Active |
Chalet Village Water System, Inc. [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 662 Pittsfield, VT 05762
Work: (802) 746-8186
Active |
Ronald Colton, Chalet Village Water S...
Mailing P.O. Box 662 Pittsfield, VT 05762
Work: (802) 746-8186
Primary Email: recwaterbaron@aol.com
Active |
Colonial Estates Water Corporation [P]
Mailing 2 Green Horse Inn Drive Rutland, VT 05701
Mobile: (802) 417-0779
Active |
William T. Matteson, Colonial Estates...
Mailing 95 Georgeanna Boulevard Rutland, VT 05701
Work: (802) 236-2204
Primary Email: william832@comcast.net
Active |
Crystal Springs Water Co [P]
Mailing 111 Freedom Drive Montpelier, VT 05602
Work: (802) 223-5060
Active |
Deane Hedges, [REP]
Mailing 111 Freedom Drive Montpelier, VT 05602
Work: (802) 223-5060
Work: (802) 455-8090
Primary Email: crystalspringswatervt@gmail.com
Active |
KO's Farm, LLC [P]
Mailing 912 Route 7 South Milton, VT 05468
Work: (386) 325-1357
Active |
James Bushey, [REP]
Mailing 854 Tri-Town Road Addison, VT 05491
Work: (802) 759-2324
Primary Email: tooshort1941@gmail.com
Active |
Mountain Water Company [P]
Mailing 1840 Sugarbush Access Road Warren, VT 05674
Primary Email: kbabic@sugarbush.com
Active |
Kevin Babic, Mountain Water Company [...
Mailing 1840 Sugarbush Access Road Warren, VT 05674
Primary Email: kbabic@sugarbush.com
Active |
Pines Water Company/Conklin Marital Trust [P]
Mailing 717 Fontaine Hill Road Morrisville, VT 05661
Work: (802) 888-3752
Active |
Sandra M. Conklin, Pines Water Compan...
Mailing 717 Fontaine Hill Road Morrisville, VT 05661
Work: (802) 888-3752
Primary Email: sconklin1125@gmail.com
Active |
Smugglers' Notch Water Company [P]
Mailing 4323 VT Route 108 South Jeffersonville, VT 05646
Work: (802) 644-1134
Active |
Brian Stevens, Smugglers' Notch W...
Mailing 4323 VT RTE 108 South Jeffersonville, VT 05646
Work: (802) 644-1134
Primary Email: bstevens@smuggs.com
Active |
The Housing Foundation, Inc. [P]
Mailing 1 Prospect Street Montpelier, VT 05602
Work: (802) 828-3006
Active |
Kelly Pembroke, The Housing Foundatio...
Mailing One Prospect Street Montpelier, Vermont 05602
Work: (802) 828-3006
Primary Email: kelly@vsha.org
Active |
Mailing 60 ROBIN LANE GEORGIA, VT 05468
Work: (802) 338-0051
Active |
Alexandre Bonneville, VERMONT WATER U...
Mailing 60 Robin Lane Georgia, VT 05468
Work: (802) 338-0051
Primary Email: info@vwui.com
Active |
Wagner Water System [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 23 West Burke, VT 05871
Work: (802) 467-3445
Active |
George R. Wagner, Wagner Water System...
Mailing P.O. Box 23 West Burke, VT 05871
Work: (802) 467-3445
Active |
Westminster Aqueduct Society [P]
Mailing P.O. Box 31 Westminster, VT 05158
Work: (802) 722-4785
Active |
Linda Fawcett, Westminster Aqueduct S...
Mailing PO Box 205, 3505 US RT 5 Westminster, VT 05158
Work: (802) 722-4785
Primary Email: lbfawcett@comcast.net
Active |
Woodstock Aqueduct Company [P]
Mailing 16 Elm Street, P.O. Box 441 Woodstock, VT 05091
Work: (802) 457-4497
Active |
Jireh Billings, Woodstock Aqueduct Co...
Mailing P.O.Box 441 Woodstock, VT 05091
Work: (802) 457-4497
Primary Email: jirehsr@gmail.com
Active |