Vermont Department of Public Service [PART]
Mailing 112 State Street, 3rd Floor Montpelier, VT 05620
Alexander Wing, Vermont Department of Public Service [REP]
Mailing 112 State Street Montpelier, VT 05620
Mobile: (802) 461-5009
Primary Email: alexander.wing@vermont.gov
Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets [PART]
Mailing 116 State Street, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620
Alex DePillis, Agency of Agriculture Food & Markets [REP]
Mailing 116 State Street, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620-2901
Work: (802) 505-3067
Primary Email: Alex.DePillis@vermont.gov
Bristol Electronics [PART]
Mailing 252 Sunwood Lane Bristol, VT 05443
Office: (802) 453-2500
David Beverage, [REP]
Mailing PO Box 226 Bristol, VT 05443
Work: (802) 453-2500
Primary Email: solarchasers@gmavt.net
Work Email: solarchasers@gmavt.net
Vermont Public Power Supply Authority [PART]
Mailing P.O. Box 126, 5195 Waterbury-Stowe Rd. Waterbury Ctr., VT 05677
Office: (802) 244-7678
Steven R Farman, Vermont Public Power Supply Authority [REP]
Mailing 5195 Waterbury-Stowe rd Waterbury Center, VT 05766
Work: (802) 882-8506
Primary Email: sfarman@vppsa.com
Allco Renewable Energy Limited [PART]
Mailing 157 Church Street, 19th Floor New Haven, CT 06510
Work: (212) 681-6974
Thomas Melone, Esq., Allco Renewable Energy Limited [REP]
Mailing 157 Church St, 19th floor New Haven, CT 06510
Work: (917) 328-2001
Office: (212) 681-1120
Primary Email: thomas.melone@gmail.com
Hill, Cindy Ellen Esq. [PART]
Mailing 144 Mead Lane Middlebury, VT 05753
Work: (802) 989-6906
Primary Email: lawyerhill@yahoo.com
Washington Electric Cooperative Inc. [PART]
Mailing P.O. Box 8 East Montpelier, VT 05651
Work: (802) 223-5245
William Powell, Washington Electric Cooperative, Inc. [REP]
Mailing PO Box 8 East Montpelier, VT 05651
Physical 75 VT Route 14N East Montpelier, VT 05651
Work: (802) 224-2329
Primary Email: bpowell10001@gmail.com
Sunrun Inc. [PART]
Mailing 595 Market Street, Floor 29 San Francisco, CA 94105
Work: (415) 510-4980
Chris Rauscher, [REP]
Mailing 595 Market Street, Floor 29 San Francisco, CA 94015
Mobile: (207) 400-1150
Primary Email: chris.rauscher@sunrun.com
Steven Rymsha, Sunrun, Inc. [REP]
Mailing 595 Market Street, 29th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105
Work: (808) 220-7377
Primary Email: steven.rymsha@sunrun.com
Beren Argetsinger, Keyes & Fox LLP [REP]
Work: (919) 825-3344
Primary Email: bargetsinger@kfwlaw.com
Mailing 94 Harvest Lane Williston, VT 05495
Office: (802) 349-4966
David John Mullett, Esq., aLLEARTH REnewables, Inc. [REP]
Physical 94 Harvest Lane Williston, VT 05495
Work: (802) 872-9600
Primary Email: dmullett@allearthrenewables.com
Renewable Energy Vermont [PART]
Physical 33 Court Street Montpelier, VT 05602
Mailing P.O. Box 1036 Montpelier, VT 05601
Office: (802) 229-0099
Jonathan Dowds, Renewable Energy Vermont [REP]
Physical 33 Court Street Montpelier, VT 05602
Work: (802) 229-0099
Primary Email: jonathan@revermont.org
Vermont Electric Cooperative Inc. [PART]
Mailing 42 Wescom Road Johnson, VT 05656
Work: (802) 730-1153
Cyril Brunner, Vermont Electric Cooperative, Inc. [REP]
Mailing 42 Wescom Road Johnson, VT 05656
Work: (802) 635-2331
Primary Email: cbrunner@vermontelectric.coop
Work Email:
Andrea Cohen, Vermont Electric Cooperative, Inc. [REP]
Mailing 42 Wescom Road Johnson, VT 05656
Primary Email: acohen@vermontelectric.coop
City of Burlington Electric Department [PART]
Mailing 585 Pine Street Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 865-7343
Tom Lyle, Burlington Electric Department [REP]
Physical 585 Pine St Burlington, VT 05401
Work: (802) 865-7335
Primary Email: tlyle@burlingtonelectric.com
Green Mountain Power Corporation [PART]
Mailing 163 Acorn Lane Colchester, VT 05446
Work: (802) 655-8768
Grace Grundhauser, Green Mountain Power Corporation [REP]
Physical 163 Acorn Lane Colchester, VT 05446
Work: (888) 835-4672
Primary Email: grace.grundhauser@greenmountainpower.com
Liz Miller, Green Mountain Power [REP]
Mailing 163 Acorn Lane Colchester, VT 05446
Mobile: (802) 522-3090
Primary Email: Liz.Miller@greenmountainpower.com
Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Inc. [PART]
Mailing P.O. Box 1156 Latham, NY 12110-1156
Work: 4155527262
Sky Stanfield, Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger LLP [REP]
Mailing 396 Hayes Street SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102
Work: (415) 552-7272
Primary Email: stanfield@smwlaw.com
Woodward, John Ross [PART]
Brattleboro, VT
Primary Email: jwoodward@dynorganics.com
ISO New England Inc. [PART]
Mailing One Sullivan Road Holyoke, MA 01040-2841
Molly Connors, ISO New England, Inc. [REP]
Mailing One Sullivan Road Holyoke, MA 01040-2841
Office: (413) 540-4686
Primary Email: Molly.Connors@iso-ne.com
Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc. [PART]
Mailing 366 Pinnacle Ridge Road Rutland, VT 05701
Work: (802) 773-9161
S Mark Sciarrotta, Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc. [REP]
Mailing 366 Pinnacle Ridge Road Rutland, VT 05701
Work: (802) 282-3812
Primary Email: msciarrotta@velco.com
Work Email: msciarrotta@velco.com
Town of Stowe Electric Department [PART]
Mailing P.O. Box 190, 435 Moscow Road Stowe, VT 05672
Work: (802) 253-7215
Michael Lazorchak, Town of Stowe Electric Department [REP]
Mailing PO Box 190 Stowe, VT 05672
Work: (802) 253-7215
Primary Email: mlazorchak@stoweelectric.com
Jackie Pratt, Town of Stowe Electric Department [REP]
Mailing PO Box 190 Stowe, VT 05672
Work: (802) 253-7215
Primary Email: jpratt@stoweelectric.com
Village of Hyde Park Electric Department [PART]
Mailing P.O. Box 400 Hyde Park, VT 05655
Work: (802) 888-2310
Karen Wescom, Village of Hyde Park Electric Department [REP]
Mailing PO Box 400 Hyde Park, VT 05655
Work: (802) 888-2310
Primary Email: karen@hydeparkvt.com
Brian Evans-Mongeon, Village of Hyde Park Electric Department [REP]
Mailing P.O. Box 400 Hyde Park, VT 05655
Mobile: (802) 793-6566
Primary Email: gm@villageofhydepark.com
Encore Renewable Energy [PART]
Mailing Encore Renewable Energy, PO Box 1072 Burlington, VT 05402
Work: (802) 861-3023
Jake Clark, Encore Renewable Energy [REP]
Mailing Encore Renewable Energy, PO Box 1072 Burlington, VT 05402
Work: (802) 861-3023
Work Email: Jake@Encorerenewableenergy
Primary Email: Jake@encore.eco