Vermont Public Utility Commission

Net-Metering Application and Small Renewables

NM and Small Renewables-Portal


If you would like to add an additional Applicant, click on the ; to remove an inadvertently added Applicant, click on the .

When you enter the zipcode, the screen automatically shows the name of one town in which that zipcode is used.
However, in Vermont, some zipcodes are used in multiple towns. If the town is not correct, you may delete the
name shown and type the correct one.

Mailing Address:
Regional Planning Commission Name*

Utility Company Name*

Reference number assigned by PUC to advance submission for this project.*
For the system location, the Town must be selected from the drop-down menu, which includes a list of all Vermont towns,
incorporated villages, gores, and unincorporated areas. In Vermont sometimes other “place names” are used in a mailing
address; these other place names do not refer to legal municipalities (for example, the place South Starksboro is in the
town of Starksboro). If the service area is located in such an “other place,” please select the name of the town in which
the other place is located.

If amending an existing Certificate of Public Good ("CPG") that was previously issued by the Commission, enter the
existing CPG Number.
Are there one or more existing, approved, or other proposed electric generation facilities at this service address
or on the same or an adjacent parcel?*

If your application/project consists of multiple generation types, click on the to add
additional generation types. If one of the multiple generation types is photovoltaic, please enter that
generation type last. If you would like to remove inadvertently added generation types, click on the .

If this application seeks to amend a Certificate of Public Good for an existing net metering system, you must
include on this application form information about the total capacity of the net metering system, including the
existing and the proposed components. This is necessary to ensure that the net metering system, as amended,
qualifies to use this net metering application form.
If this application seeks to amend a Certificate of Public Good for an existing small renewable energy project, you must
include on this application form information about the total capacity of the project, including the existing and
the proposed components. This is necessary to ensure that the project, as amended, qualifies to use this
application form.
Preferred Site

How many acres of forest will be cleared for the proposed net-metering facility?*
See Commission Rule 5.103 for the definition of "significant forest clearing."

The Applicant must provide sufficient information with its application to demonstrate that the project site qualifies
as a preferred site. Please review Section 5.103 of the Commission's net-metering rule and provide any required
certification or information necessary to demonstrate that your project site is a preferred site.
If this project is proposed to be located on a "preferred site" as defined in Commission Rule 5.100, select all that apply:
Under Commission Rule 5.100, a net-metering system that is near customer load must be "On the same parcel as,
or directly adjacent to, a customer that has been allocated more than 50 percent of the net-metering system’s
electrical output. The allocation to the host customer may not be less than 50 percent during each of the first
10 years of the net-metering system’s operation."

Provide the consumption meter number, location of the customer's load, and the percentage of the project's output
that is allocated to the customer.*
Environmental Information

Will the system be sited on, near, or within any of the following resources:
Click on the icon to select multiple resource types. You must check all that apply.
Note: Please see 10 V.S.A. §§ 902 and 6001 for definitions of each of these resources. The Applicant must ascertain,
based on a field assessment(s) or other appropriate investigation, whether any of the resources listed above are present.
The Applicant is encouraged to consult with the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources and the Division for Historic
Preservation prior to filing an application. The provision of incomplete or incorrect information on this application
may result in the delay or denial of this application, the revocation or amendment of certificates of public good issued
in reliance on such incomplete or incorrect information, or the imposition of penalties pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 30.

Applicant's completed checklist for ground-mounted net-metering CPG applications
List of persons to whom the Applicant will send a notice of this application (must be sent
within two business days of receiving notice that this application is administratively complete)
Copy of Department/Commission Application Fee Form that you previously sent
to the Department of Public Service with the fee payment.
After you click “Submit” below, you will add all Affidavit and Exhibit documents in a "second step" using a different form.
You can locate this other form by going to the "My Filed Cases" tab and from the Action dropdown menu selecting
"Add Second Step."

In preparation for completing the "second step" form, you must add the names of all of your witnesses now.

A witness is the person responsible for preparing an exhibit attached to this application.

You may type the first several letters of the witness’ last name to narrow the list of names displayed in the pop-up window.
If the desired witness’ name does not appear in the pop-up window, please click here to add a person to the case.
Once the form is completed, click Proceed and return to this browser tab/window to complete your filing.

If you would like to add another Witness, click on the .
If you would like to remove a Witness, click on the .


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