Vermont Public Utility Commission

Net-Metering Registration


Net-Metering Registration Form Instructions

You may register the following types of systems using this form:
  • Ground-mounted photovoltaic systems with a capacity of 15 kW or less
  • Roof-mounted photovoltaic systems with a capacity of 500 kW or less
  • Mixed ground- and roof-mounted photovoltaic systems with a capacity of 500 kW or less,
    if the ground-mounted portion of the system does not exceed 15 kW.
  • Hydroelectric facilities with a capacity of 500 kW or less

Completing This Form.
You must complete and file the registration form. Failure to complete and file the registration form will result
in delay and/or denial.
If your proposed system's capacity is greater than 15 kW, you must receive interconnection approval from your electric utility before filing this form. If your proposed system's capacity is less than
or equal to 15 kW, it is recommended that you contact your utility before applying for a certificate of public good
to discuss any utility-specific requirements that need to be met.

If you have not attached any documents, you may click the “Save for Later” button below to save your work so far;
this will enable you to return to the draft registration form at a later time. When a draft registration form is saved,
information entered in a field is saved in the draft. Do not click "Save for Later" after you have attached any

In order to complete the registration form, you must attach a copy of the completed Department/Commission
Application Fee Form
that was submitted to the Department of Public Service. Send the original of the
Fee Form and the fee payment to the Department of Public Service. Do not send the fee payment to the Commission.

After completing the registration form, you must click the “Proceed” button at the end of this form to submit the registration
form to the Public Utility Commission. By clicking “Proceed,” you certify that the information is true and accurate to the best
of your knowledge.

What Happens After This Form is Filed?
You will receive an electronic Filing Confirmation that the Public Utility Commission has received the registration form
via ePUC (the Commission’s electronic filing system); the Filing Confirmation will include the case number and a link
to the case in ePUC. To see a pdf version of the completed registration form, click on the link in the email, then
on the "All Other Documents" tab, and finally on the "View Document" link.

When the Filing Confirmation is sent to you, ePUC will provide notice of, and access to, the registration form
to the Vermont Department of Public Service, the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, and the electric utility
identified by the Applicant on the registration form.

Unless otherwise directed by the Commission, a certificate of public good ("CPG") will be deemed issued on the 15th day
following the filing of this form. You may not commence site preparation or construction of the system until a CPG
has been deemed issued. All CPGs deemed issued are conditioned on compliance with all interconnection requirements
of the interconnecting electric utility.

Please contact the Public Utility Commission at (802) 828-2358 if you have any questions regarding this registration form.

Certificate of Public Good Municipal Notice Form
If this project has a capacity of greater than 15 kW, State law requires that, within 45 days of the date that a certificate
of public good (CPG) for the project is deemed issued, the Applicant must record a notice of the CPG in the land records
of the host municipality using the Certificate of Public Good Municipal Notice Form. The Applicant must file proof
of this recording with the Commission.

Information for Group Systems
If proposing a group system, the Applicant must provide the following information to its utility. Please
note this is a separate filing. Group information does not need to be provided to the Commission:

  • the meters to be included in the group system identified by account number and location;
  • the procedure for adding and removing meters included in the group system, and direction as to the manner in which
    the serving utility should allocate any accrued credits among the meters in the group;
  • a designated person, including address and telephone number, responsible for all communications from the system
    to the serving electric utility, except for communications related to billing, payment, and disconnection; and
  • a binding process for the resolution of any disputes within the group system relating to net metering that does not
    rely on the serving electric utility, the Public Utility Commission, or the Department of Public Service.
Please note that all meters included in a group system must be within the same electric utility service territory
in which the generation facility is located.
If you would like to add an additional Applicant, click on the ; to remove an inadvertently added Applicant, click on the .

When you enter the zipcode, the screen automatically shows the name of one town in which that zipcode is used.
However, in Vermont, some zipcodes are used in multiple towns. If the town is not correct, you may delete the
name shown and type the correct one.

Mailing Address:
Utility Company Name*

This is the number on the customer's consumption meter. Please call your utility if you have questions
about finding your meter number.
If the net metering system will be connected to a new consumption meter, please type “new consumption meter.”

If yes, please provide group information directly to your utility.
Do you elect to (1) retain ownership of any environmental attributes associated with the system
or (2) transfer the environmental attributes to your electric utility?
Note: If you are a solar customer, this election will affect the rate at which you will be credited
for your generation and is irrevocable after a certificate of public good is issued or deemed issued.

Please consult with your installer and/or your electric utility before making this election. Your electric utility
must retire any environmental attributes received from net-metering customers, and the energy will count
towards the state's renewable energy standard.
For the system location, the Town must be selected from the drop-down menu, which includes a list of all Vermont towns,
incorporated villages, gores, and unincorporated areas. In Vermont sometimes other “place names” are used in a mailing
address; these other place names do not refer to legal municipalities (for example, the place South Starksboro is in the
town of Starksboro). If the service area is located in such an “other place,” please select the name of the town in which
the other place is located.

If amending an existing Certificate of Public Good ("CPG") that was previously issued by the Commission, enter the
existing CPG Number.

Please describe the proposed amendment. If the amendment is changing the capacity
of the system, state the current capacity of the existing system, how much capacity you want to add,
and the total capacity of the new system.

Are there one or more existing, approved, or other proposed electric generation facilities at this service address
or on the same or adjacent parcel?*


The Commission presumes that systems collocated at the same address or on the same parcel
are a single plant, and your registration or application will be processed accordingly. However,
if you would like the Commission to make a determination that a facility is a separate plant,
you may fill out a Separate-Plant Determination Form, which is available on the Commission's
net-metering forms webpage. The completed form should be filed into this case after the case
is submitted.

Tips for completing fillable pdf forms are also available on the Commission's website.

Copy of Department/Commission Application Fee Form that you previously sent
to the Department of Public Service with the fee payment.
By clicking “Proceed” to send this application to the Public Utility Commission, I am affirmatively affixing my signature to this
application in electronic format and declaring that, having exercised due diligence and made reasonable inquiry, the information
that I have provided on this form and any attachments and the statements below are true and accurate to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I understand that if the statements below are false, I may be subject to sanctions by the
Commission pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 30.

  1. The system will be installed in compliance with the interconnection safety and technological requirements
    of Vermont Public Utility Commission Rule 5.500 and all interconnection requirements of the interconnecting
    electric utility.

  2. If the system capacity is 15 kW or greater, the Applicant has received approval to interconnect the system
    pursuant to Vermont Public Utility Commission Rule 5.500.

  3. This registration will not result in more than 500 kW of cumulative net-metering generation being allocated
    to any customer, consistent with Commission Rule 5.129(D) and the definitions of the terms "account" and "customer"
    contained in Commission Rule 5.103, unless the customer is a school or school district, in which case the school
    or school district may be allocated greater capacity but not more than the limit set forth in Section 6 of Act 81 of 2019.

  4. If this project is a hydroelectric system, the project has received all necessary federal and state permits.

  5. If this project has a capacity of greater than 15 kW, as required by State law, within 45 days of the date
    that a certificate of public good (CPG) for the project is deemed issued, I must record a notice of the CPG in the land
    records of the host municipality using the Certificate of Public Good Municipal Notice Form. I must file proof
    of this recording with the Commission.

  6. If I am a system installer, the Applicant has authorized me to submit this registration form on behalf of the Applicant,
    and the Applicant has signed a binding contract for the installation.

  7. I have paid the required Department/Commission Application Fee to the Department of Public Service.

Making false or misleading statements on this application could result in revocation of any approval granted.

Please click “Proceed” to confirm that you wish to submit this signed registration form to the Public Utility Commission.

Reminder: You will receive a filing confirmation from the Commission via ePUC that includes a link to the case in ePUC.
To see a pdf version of the completed registration form, click on the link in the email, then on the "All Other Documents" tab,
and finally on the "View Document" link.

Please be sure to doublecheck that you have filled in all required fields and attached all required documents
before clicking "Proceed."

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